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Trick to Delete Blogger Template Gadgets That Won't Remove


Trick to Delete Blogger Template Gadgets That Won't Remove

There are two standard ways to remove Blogger Attribution Gadget. The First one uses simple CSS to hide the text "Powered by Blogger", the second recommended method simply deletes the Attribution Gadget from your BlogSpot layout. We will discuss both in detail today.

If you are new to Attribution Gadget, then it is the widget that blogger adds to your layout by default when you setup your blog. You can display your copyrights or credit links here. Unlike other widgets this gadget is locked by default and it has no "Remove" button that could help you remove the gadget from your layout.
Follow these steps to hide the attribution widget using CSS "display:none" property.

Go To Blogger > Template
Backup your Template
Click Edit HTML
Search for this code ]]></b:skin>
Paste the following code above ]]></b:skin
Save your template and you are done!

You have successfully hide the blogspot attribution credit link from your blog footer. The browser will not display or show the attribution or credit links attached to your layout but the gadget DOM will still load in background.

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