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how to make uk approved google adsense account in pakistan


What is Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is an advertising placement service provider. This department is specially designed/developed for website owners who want to shows some targeted ads (If site is based on niche scholarship niche than ads will be scholarship related) on their websites/blogs to make money online at home. It also provide this facility to application developers as well as youtube holder. In my point of view there is no such a department where you earn as much you can. In simple words, google adsense is an unbeatable advertising placement service provider all over the world.

Adsense Account in Pakistan?

Before discussing this, I would like to tell you something more. Somebodies tell that google does not accept those websites for AdSense which are based on copy paste material. But it is wrong because I got many AdSense accounts on those websites which are based on copy paste material. How did I get approve for AdSense? I will tell you this soon wait a few moments.

 Following are the steps to get approved Adsense account in 3 days
 or less.

Design You Website carefully
Add Privacy & Policy,Disclaimer,About Us and Contact Us Page
Add some articles (20 unique as well as copy pasted)
Apply for Google AdSense
Add 3 ad units and place these codes to appropriate area
Go to Account Settings > Click on Site Manangement > Add your site link here > tick “Only My Owned Sites are allowed to show ads”
Get traffic from Facebook or any other trusted source.

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