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W Motors Lykan Hypersport

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$3.4 million – W Motors Lykan Hypersport

$3.4 million – W Motors Lykan Hypersport

You may recall the Lykan Hypersport from its starring role in the blockbuster Furious 7, where the Lebanese supercar crashed through not one, not two, but three skyscrapers in Dubai. In a franchise filled with high-end exotics and one-off custom creations, the fact that the Hypersport got so much focus is a testament to its magnetism.

Let’s start with the styling, which includes jewel-encrusted headlights, scissor doors, and an interior ripped straight from science fiction. It looks like a pissed off armored car from the future, and its performance is right on par with its image. The Hypersport boasts a 3.7-liter, twin-turbo flat-six that yields 770 hp and 708 lb-ft.

It’s not just Dominic Toretto who benefits from this level of performance though, as the Abu Dhabi police force has drafted the Hypersport into patrol duty. Although it’s mainly used for marketing and public relations purposes, the high-flying stunner assures that the authorities can keep up with any baddie that tries to get cute on the freeway. Pedal to the floor, 0 to 62 mph is accomplished in just 2.8 seconds, and top speed is a downright scary 240 mph.

Lamborghini Veneno $4.5 million – Lamborghini Veneno

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 Lamborghini Veneno $4.5 million – Lamborghini Veneno

Poison. That’s the name Lamborghini chose for the modified Aventador you see above — translated from Italian of course — built to celebrate the automaker’s 50th birthday. We can’t speak for the company’s motivations, but the name is fitting for a vehicle that looks so positively deadly, so undeniably venomous.

The car is absolutely stunning from every angle, and to this day, we’re not convinced it isn’t an alien spacecraft surveying our planet for eventual takeover. It just doesn’t seem real. The only thing more remarkable than the look is the price — a whopping $4.5 million.

The Veneno is fast, and that should come as no surprise. Its 6.5-liter V12 spins all the way up to 8,400 rpm to deliver 740 hp and 507 lb-ft, surging the car to 60 mph in 2.9 seconds.

Top 10 Most Expensive And Luxury Car In World [Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita]

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Top 10 Most Expensive And Luxury Car In World

$4.8 million – Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita

Koenigsegg makes its first appearance on our list with the CCXR Trevita, and it does so as the most expensive street-legal production car in the world. Why so much coin? With no exaggeration, the car is literally coated in diamonds … and diamonds aren’t cheap.

For the Trevita, the Swedish manufacturer developed a new exterior finish called the Koenigsegg Proprietary Diamond Weave, which involves coating carbon fibers with a diamond dust-impregnated resin. We can’t even fathom how much the touch up paint costs.

Underneath the lustrous finish lies a 4.8-liter, dual-supercharged V8 with a total output of 1,004 hp and 797 lb-ft, which means it should have little to no trouble overtaking semis on the freeway.  The car’s specifications — in both performance and price — are nearly comical at this point, and just three were ever made.

Download Retrica for PC (Windows 7/8)

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Download Retrica for PC (Windows 7/8)

Friends, Retrica for Computer will not disappoint you rather it may be a best photographic tool to try your creativity. Since there is no official PC version of Retrica so you have to rely on a supportive software called Android emulator.

The app provides endless possibilities in mobile photography with its latest editing tools. This app has a large number of worldwide users who are taking more than 100 millions photos per day to catch all important moments of life now it is your time to join Retrica team to have beautiful collection of photos with classic frames and borders.

After setting of its timer you can have a series of consecutive photo in different attractive pose and let the Retrica to create an awesome collage of these photos.

Its timer feature is very useful for getting selfies and group photos including yourself without any help of a person.

Thus adjust the time interval of camera and take the correct position within predecided time to get a perfect photograph.

By including Blur and Vignette editing tools Retrica becomes a must have photography app for you.

That’s the cool features of the app and I am pretty sure you liked it.

Whatsapp for PC Download Free (Windows 7/8/XP)

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Whatsapp for PC Download Free (Windows 7/8/XP)

WhatsApp is very fast growing messenger and the family of its worldwide users is increasing drastically. It is a cross-platform messaging app for smartphones of all famous OS like Android, iOS, Blackberry, Nokia and windows etc. If you are searching for guide for using it on PC, then you are at right place because here you can get download WhatsApp for PC (Windows).

To get download WhatsApp for PC having Windows and MAC operating systems visit 

WhatsApp for PC
We are happy to inform you that WhatsApp has announced the new WhatsApp desktop app which is available for all Windows versions (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 etc..) and also for Mac OSX pc.
Just like Whatsapp Mobile app, the desktop version give’s you all the features you already know from WhatsApp mobile app, and you can also configure all the settings that you wan’t which was not possible with the WhatsApp Web APP.

Download WhatsApp for PC (Windows 7/8)

So below I’m going to share very steps and simple steps to get download WhatsApp for Windows PC. If you find any error like graphics card not found or graphics card drivers are outdated, then do update graphics drivers with the latest version of your PC.

Download Twitter For Android Phones

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Download Twitter For Android Phones

Twitter Lets You See What The WHOLE World Is Thinking & Doing

Today, thanks to Twitter, you can find the thoughts of many of the world’s greatest thinkers in art, business, politics, technology – almost any area of human achievement, all at your fingertips. You can see things they’re thinking and saying that never end up in books, nor are they seen or heard anywhere else.
Imagine what it is doing for our brain development to be exposed to the best thoughts of the greatest achievers of today and throughout history!
This is probably the #1 greatest thing about Twitter that too few people take advantage of. But there are four other things I think people misunderstand too…

Twitter Gives EVERYONE And Anyone A Support Network


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Other than Wi-Fi file transfer, Zapya also provides on-demand installable local network games for fun. Give them a try!                        CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD


Get Google Adsense Approval within 3 days

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Get Google Adsense Approval within 3 days

 the knowledge. Google AdSense is trusted by many advertisers and publishers from the past few years, and usually they never accept anyone randomly who is trying to apply for an account. You need to show them the most professional approach of getting your account accepted, else Google will simply throw your application aside.

Statistics say that Google AdSense accepts only 15 accounts of every 1000 applications they receive each day. If you are trying to get onto the account or has been rejected earlier, follow these simple guidelines to get your own AdSense account in just 3 simple days. Though these below tips won’t get you the account approved instantly, but will surely work if you try inheriting each step mentioned below. I’m sure it worked for 60% of people who commented here and mailed me from the past couple of years.

Get Google AdSense Approval Within 3 Days:

Google AdSense! One of the most easiest, trusted and professional way of earning money by showing your passion towards writing and sharing.

So before getting started, make sure you follow these guidelines without fail, else your application will be rejected without any further pending approval. Remember that everything which I mentioned below counts. Don’t compromise on number of posts, own domain, good design and other metrics, else the chances of rejection is higher at your end. So here we go, the 15 most important guidelines to follow before applying to Google AdSense.
Minimum Posts/Articles/Pages:

If you are using WordPress, make sure your website/blog has at least 40 quality articles which are not copied from anywhere else. Your content on the articles should be extremely rich and make sure you use relevant images where ever required. Try to include two lengthy articles of 2000 words each, which should be absolutely stunning while anyone reads them on your website. If you are using HTML website or any other non CMS version of blog, make sure you have atleast 50 pages on your website in form or articles or landing pages.

If you miss providing this any of the above information on your website, Google might reject your application saying Insufficient Content or Unacceptable Site Content. So make sure they see enough content on your website before applying the program. The more the content, the better chances of approval.

Prohibited Website Niches:

Statistics show that your account will go through a faster approval process if you have more quality articles on Health, Internet Marketing, Business, Law, Technology, Entrepreneurship, Travel, Lifestyle and Social Media. Google will take your application as a serious offense if your website contain any of the prohibited content mentioned in this link here.

Some studies have also proved that Google AdSense might reject your approval if your website is on event blogging and micro niche blogging. In this particular blogging, you limit your blog content to only one particular subject and create a spam domain around it to rank higher. Eg: (Mayweather vs Pacquiao Match Online). In some cases, if you have observed Google Ads in these of websites, probably they have applied the account through an another account and placed the ads in this event niche blogging to earn quick money.

No Third Party Ads or Programs:

Before applying to AdSense, make sure you don’t allow or place any other third party banner ad code on your website. Google (employees) will strictly look into your website manually and they hate seeing some third party ads installed in your website. Stay away from Infolinks, Chitika, Yahoo Ads or any other third party network to get the first impression clean on your website. Make sure you put only the fresh content and some regular widgets on the website.

Also, stay away from affiliate links such as hosting programs, Amazon affiliates, Clickbank or anyother until your account is approved.

Website Design and User Experience:

Google always want their users to get the best experience while browsing through any website they refer. Maintaining a clean design with good navigation and user experience will boost your chances of getting AdSense approved in the first attempt itself. This is one of the major guidelines where lot of people miss the basics. Google believes that if you maintain professional color scheme on your website, the user might be willing to come back and click on the relevant ads which are displayed under your content.

So make sure you maintain a neat and clean design before applying to AdSense. I would recommend you to buy one professional template anywhere and get it installed on your website without effecting the loading speed or easy navigation.

Google Analytics Code:

Adding Google Analytics code on your website is a trusted factor for the approval. Adding Analytics onto your website show that you are actively tracking your visitors and is much serious about the statistics of your users who visit your website. If you haven’t created one, click here to register the program. Once registered, get your tracking code by creating new account under the accounts tab and enter your website name, URL and other required details. Place the code on each page of your website to track the data instantly.

Google/Bing Webmasters Verification Page:

Just like Google Analytics, you need to even verify with Google Webmaster program, which has the complete access to your website in search perspective. With Google Webmaster Tools, you can track your website critical errors and fix them on a daily basis. Click here to register and click on “Add a Site” to enter your website URL. Verify your website ownership through any of the recommended method and complete the process to keep your account functioning actively.

Also, adding the Bing Webmaster Tools to your website will add more credibility to your domain that you are serious about the website search visibility. Though this guideline is pretty easy to perform, many people will get comfortable without knowing the importance of installing these tools.

Adding these two verifications on your website code or server will show good results on search visibility as well.

XML Sitemap Page: 

Creating a sitemap doesn’t take too much of your time. If you are using WordPress, I recommend Google XML Sitemaps By Arne Brachhold. And if you are using any other platform, I recommend you to checkout XML-Sitemaps website for more info. Installing a sitemap on your website can help search engine bots to index your website faster, which is again a trust factor to bots about the website trustworthiness.


Creating Robots.txt file on your website will get rid of indexing unwanted junk onto Google. I have written a detailed post few days back on how to write perfect robots.txt for your website. Else you can also check own robots.txt file and simply copy it to your WordPress website. I have restricted all the unwanted data indexation to search engines, which adds a lot of value to your SEO efforts of ranking the pages higher on Google. Plus, robots.txt file is another great feature to add it your website as a trust factor.

Alexa Rank:

Google AdSense considering the Alexa rank has always been a controversy, as many people disagree that Google doesn’t care about your global rankings. Trust me, I strongly believe that this is one of the most important checklist any manual operator checks before even opening your website statistics. How can anyone quickly judge about a website performance? The answer is simple, and its Alexa ranking. So make sure you install the Alexa toolbar and read my eBook on how to boost Alexa ranking within 30days.

Note: Before applying to AdSense, make sure your website global Alexa ranking is less than 400K for faster approval process. Usually the website above this rank is considered to be new and underestimated that no much data is seen on them.

Important Pages:

Google wants to know your identity before you signup to their AdSense program. So make sure your create the following pages on your website as soon as possible.

Privacy Policy
Disclaimer Policy
Terms of Usage
Contact Us

About Us (Write your name and address through which you applied the AdSense account)
In the about us section, clearly mention who you are, and why is this website made for, what is the benefit people get out of your website. The more clear, the better the chances of your approval. Keep your spelling mistakes, grammar and punctuation clear when you do this.

Custom Domain and Email ID:

A lot of people get create websites through blogspot and free WordPress platforms to apply AdSense. Note that AdSense team will take a custom domain more seriously rather than the free domain name. Investing 2$ on a domain name is not a big deal when you have health chances of getting approval with other factors like mentioned above. So don’t give yourself a second chance to apply the AdSense program and get your own domain as early as possible.

Once you have your own domain, create an email ID with your name ( to apply the AdSense program. Eg: will get more attention compared to Note that your free website programs give you the privilege or adding your custom domains without paying any additional fee.

Decent Traffic: 

Though a lot of portals, forums mention that Google AdSense doesn’t require any certain amount of pageviews to approve your account, I still feel and experienced the treatment if you have a decent traffic. Let your blog age a few weeks (atleast 2 months) before you rush to apply the AdSense program. I would always recommend you to stay until your website get a minimum of 50+ visitors per day. If your website is not getting enough traffic, the chances of rejection is much higher when compared to other guidelines.

Once your website is ready with all these above guidelines, click here to apply to Adsense, and make sure you have gone through the Google AdSense TOC for more information on the program.

Leave your comments to check if your doing good with the process. And if your AdSense was rejected despite of following all these above mentioned guidelines, shoot me a mail to and I will help you out with a free AdSense consultation. Stay tuned to SEOSiren for more such interesting topics!

Also, I have made a step by step video guide on how to apply Adsense if you are looking for more information. Check out the below video and let us know if you still have trouble in getting your account approved.

USA Best Trick To Add All Members In a Group With One Click

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USA Best Trick To Add All Members In a Group With One Click

Steps To Add All Friends To Facebook Group At Once

Hello friends, am gonna show you How to add unlimited mass friends to facebook by one hit. I saw someone in my facebook friends, he was in search of mass friends add/invites. So i found a good and working trick.

Steps To Add All Friends To Facebook Group At Once

It is not a difficult task, A lot of webmasters are adopting facebook group method to gain traffic to their websites. I am also having some facebook groups and I am having near about 20000 members each group. Using my method, I can add more than 500 members in two days only. I hope you will also like this method. I have summarised this method here for you. By this way, I could also make one post in my blog.

Watch This Video

Just Click The Below LINK To Add The Extention 

add all Facebook friend to a group in a single click. Here you come to know that how you can easily add all of your friends on Facebook to a group with latest group adder script of 2015. Facebook groups are the best place to interact with communities like your classmates or colleagues. Groups can be public, secret or closed. These are totally different from Facebook pages. We can add unlimited friends in Facebook groups but the hurdle is that we have to add each member one by one which is not an easy task. It takes a lot of time if you have 1000+ friends.
As I am saying earlier that adding each friend individually is not an easy task and it also spoils your valuable time. Are you looking for any trick by which you will be able to add all of your Facebook friends to any group at once? If your answer is yes, then here is the solution because after searching a lot on internet I found a script by which you can easily add all friends to group at once. So today I have decided to share this code with you. This is simplest and easiest way to add all friends. So without wasting our valuable time, let's start our tutorial.

Tricks I Used To Triple My AdSense Earnings In 30 Days

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Tricks I Used To Triple My AdSense Earnings In 30 Days

I have been using Google AdSense to monetize my blogs and websites for as long as I remember. In fact it was the first method I ever tried (I made a whooping $15 on my first month… back in 2005). Over the years I migrated to other methods (e.g., direct sponsors and affiliate marketing), which made AdSense become merely an inventory filler. I was still making around $1,000 monthly from it, but whenever I could I would use other methods over it.

Then some months ago I started noticing an upward trend on the CPC of my sites, and I figured that I should give AdSense another try. I started applying some tricks here and there, and the next month I made over $3,000 with it (that is combining all my sites). I was pleasantly surprised, and I decided to keep using it actively on some sites.

1. I added units to my Big Websites

Daily Blog Tips and Daily Writing Tips are my largest websites in terms of traffic. They are getting close to one million monthly page views (combined). Despite that I was not using AdSense on them, mainly because the direct sponsorship model was working relatively well.

Some months ago I decided to load some AdSense units on the sites, however, and the results were very positive. Around 70% of the boost I generated to my earnings came from these two sites. At the same time I managed to keep the other monetization methods working fine, and no reader ever complained about the new ads (more on that later).

Even if your blog is already making money with direct sponsors and affiliate marketing, therefore, you could still manage to increment your earnings by strategically adding some AdSense units.

2. I added units to my Small Websites

As many webmasters do, I have a bunch of small websites scattered around the web. Some are on free hosted platforms like Blogger, and others are self hosted sites that I abandoned along the way. Most of these sites still get traffic, however. Not much, but combined the numbers get decent.

I figured that adding AdSense units to all these sites could yield some money, and I was right. The main reason is that, since these are abandoned sites and don’t have loyal visitors, I can place the units very aggressively. The result was a very high CTR (Click-through rate), which compensates the small traffic levels.

Don’t underestimate the earning potential of small websites, especially if you are willing to place AdSense units aggressively.

3. I used the Large Units

If you want to make money with AdSense you’ll inevitably need to use one of these units: the 336×280 large rectangle, the 300×250 rectangle, the 120×600 large skyscraper or the 728×90 leaderboard.

Whenever I tried to use smaller units the results were disappointing. Even if I positioned them aggressively the CTR was just too low.

All four units mentioned above can produce good results, but the best performing one is by far the 336×280 large rectangle, and that is the one I used to boost my earnings.

4. I placed the Units above the Fold

My first trial was to place the 336×280 large rectangle between the post and the comments section of my blogs. The results were OK. I then decided to try placing them below the post titles for one week, and the CTR skyrocketed. In fact I still need to find a placement/unit combination that will beat placing a 336×280 unit below post titles.

I knew this rule, but I guess I needed to test and get confirmation. The rule is: if you want to make money with Google AdSense, you must place your units above the fold.

5. I Focused on Organic Traffic

My main concern with adding a large AdSense unit right below my post titles was that some of the loyal readers could get annoyed with it. At the same time I knew that loyal readers become ad blind quite fast, and that the bulk of my money would come from organic visitors (i.e., people coming via search engines to my posts).

To solve this problem I decided to display the large rectangle only on posts older than seven days (using the Why Do Work WordPress plugin). It worked like a charm, as loyal readers don’t even notice the ad units when they are browsing through my recent posts, and organic visitors almost always see the ads because they usually land on posts older than seven days.

6. I started using AdSense for Search

I was not sure how much money I would be able to make with AdSense for Search, but I was not happy with the search results provided by WordPress, so I decided to give it a shot anyway.

Currently I am making around $60 monthly with AdSense for Search. It is not much, but if you sum it over one year we are talking about $720. On top of that the search results are as relevant as you’ll get, so it is a win win situation.

7. I started using AdSense for Feeds

Another AdSense product I decided to try was the AdSense for Feeds one. I opted to display the ads below my feed items (you can also place them on top, but this would be too intrusive in my opinion). The results here were pretty good, both in terms of CTR and earnings.

You obviously need a large RSS subscriber base to make this work, but I am guessing that even with a couple thousand subscribers you could already make $100 monthly from feed ads.

8. I played around with section targeting

Section targeting is an AdSense feature that allows you to suggest specific sections of your site that should be used when matching ads. You can read more about it here.

I found that on niche and small websites section targeting can help a lot. Often times Google was displaying unrelated ads on these sites because there weren’t enough pages. After using section targeting I managed to increase the relevancy of the ads and consequently the CTRs.

9. I tested with Different Colors and Fonts

If you enabled both image and text ads on your units you should be able to customize the colors and fonts. I did some testing with both of these factors, and it helped to increase the numbers. Nothing dramatic, but it was definitely worth my time.

You just need to track your CTR for a couple of weeks. Then change the color or font and track it for another week, seeing if you can beat the original CTR. If you can, keep the new format. If you the performance decreased, try a new color or font and track the CTR for another week, until you find the optimal combination.

On my sites the best results came from making the ad units merge with the look of the site, but on some sites contrasting colors perform better, so testing is a must.

How I Earn 100000$ In 1 Month Using High Paying Keywords UK Trick

Verify your site ownership With Google Webmaster Tools

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What is verification?

Verify your site ownership With Google Webmaster Tools 

Verification is the process of proving that you own the site or app that you claim to own. We need to confirm
ownership because once you are verified for a site or app you have access to its private Google Search data, and can affect how Google Search crawls it.
Blogger has integrated with Webmaster Tools, so verifying your blog is now simpler than ever.
  1. From your Blogger Dashboard, click on the Webmaster Tools link (in the Tools and Resourcessection)
  2. That link should take you to the Webmaster Tools home page. Click Add a site.
  3. Enter your blog's URL ( and click Continue.
Now, head over to your site and go the All in One SEO Pack General Settings screen.  Scroll down to the Webmaster Verification section and paste the code into the Google Webmaster Tools field. Make sure you do not include any quotes.  Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update Options.

If You Have Any Trouble To Verify Your Site Then Watch The Below Video...............

That’s it! Google has now verified your site and you’re free to browse through the different options and information that Google Webmaster Tools have to offer you as a site owner.

how to make uk approved google adsense account in pakistan

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What is Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is an advertising placement service provider. This department is specially designed/developed for website owners who want to shows some targeted ads (If site is based on niche scholarship niche than ads will be scholarship related) on their websites/blogs to make money online at home. It also provide this facility to application developers as well as youtube holder. In my point of view there is no such a department where you earn as much you can. In simple words, google adsense is an unbeatable advertising placement service provider all over the world.

Adsense Account in Pakistan?

Before discussing this, I would like to tell you something more. Somebodies tell that google does not accept those websites for AdSense which are based on copy paste material. But it is wrong because I got many AdSense accounts on those websites which are based on copy paste material. How did I get approve for AdSense? I will tell you this soon wait a few moments.

 Following are the steps to get approved Adsense account in 3 days
 or less.

Design You Website carefully
Add Privacy & Policy,Disclaimer,About Us and Contact Us Page
Add some articles (20 unique as well as copy pasted)
Apply for Google AdSense
Add 3 ad units and place these codes to appropriate area
Go to Account Settings > Click on Site Manangement > Add your site link here > tick “Only My Owned Sites are allowed to show ads”
Get traffic from Facebook or any other trusted source.

Create Gmail Account without phone number verification

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Create Gmail Account without phone number verification

Create Gmail Account without phone number verification: Searching for How to create Gmail account without phone number verification,then you are at right page. This article will help you to How to Creat Gmail account without mobile number verification. it’s very easy to create a Gmail account without Phone Number verification. every time google updating user settings and privacy policy. now follow the simple and easy steps to How to create Gmail account without phone number verification.

Google Gmail is the world’s largest email service used by users. With the help of Gmail account, you will get 15GB of free storage space and you can access Google Drive,Google Maps, and many other social media applications like Twitter,Facebook.

Before going further let me inform the basic info. First of all, you need an Android device to Create Gmail account without phone number can also use Bluestacks on your PC.

Google implements numerous security measures to prevent the opening of spam accounts and keep your email safe from hackers. If you need to create multiple accounts, Google requests that you associate the account with a mobile phone number, and that number is restricted in the total number of accounts you can associate with it. This measure helps ensure the integrity of Gmail by requesting that people opening new accounts verify that they are in fact a person rather than an automated spammer. If providing a mobile phone number is problematic for you, there are sometimes ways around it

Trick to Delete Blogger Template Gadgets That Won't Remove

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Trick to Delete Blogger Template Gadgets That Won't Remove

There are two standard ways to remove Blogger Attribution Gadget. The First one uses simple CSS to hide the text "Powered by Blogger", the second recommended method simply deletes the Attribution Gadget from your BlogSpot layout. We will discuss both in detail today.

If you are new to Attribution Gadget, then it is the widget that blogger adds to your layout by default when you setup your blog. You can display your copyrights or credit links here. Unlike other widgets this gadget is locked by default and it has no "Remove" button that could help you remove the gadget from your layout.
Follow these steps to hide the attribution widget using CSS "display:none" property.

Go To Blogger > Template
Backup your Template
Click Edit HTML
Search for this code ]]></b:skin>
Paste the following code above ]]></b:skin
Save your template and you are done!
You have successfully hide the blogspot attribution credit link from your blog footer. The browser will not display or show the attribution or credit links attached to your layout but the gadget DOM will still load in background.


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Focus on ONE thing at a time
It can be pretty distracting as a blogger with everything going on. There are so many things you want to do, so many ideas you can implement, but you do yourself a HUGE dis-justice when you try to do all those things at once.
I stood before the judge. He told me that I needed to get a REAL job outside the home or ELSE…
By the end of year one, exactly 12 months later, I was making 10 times that amount….10 THOUSAND DOLLARS. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that blogging could lead to such an enormous income and I stand here, telling you this story and living my dream life beyond what I thought was ever possible.

USA Trick TO Get SomeOne FaceBook Email Password WITHOUT Any Softwares

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On How to Get Facebook phishing attack page there is a comment from jordin71 that asking for the new facebook offline page, because the last tutorial is the old facebook interface. So we decide to make the new one to update the facebook offline file.

We also want to remind you again that this tutorial How to GET Facebook Account and the downloadable file is free to use and the purpose is for education. we're not responsible for any misuse of this file.

1. See carefully the browser address bar URL, do not continue to browse if you find the URI is mistyping, only the real one.

2. If you type your username and password correctly, but the facebook page redirect you to wrong username or password error page, see the browser address bar URL in case you open the fake facebook page.

HOW To Make .COM DOMAIN For New Blog With No Cost

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Hi Friends today i m gonna show you that how you can make free .com domain without any investment.
This Video Going To show You That how you can make free .com domain for no cost.
Basically there is no site that can give you domain but this site really works for me and afcourse its works for u.
If You LIKE this...... 

Do Before Applying for Google AdSense + FREE Bonus Checklist

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Do Before Applying for Google AdSense + FREE Bonus Checklist


Google AdSense is one of the oldest networks to offer ad publishing and works at Pay Per Click system.
When it comes to the legitimacy of Google AdSense, it speaks for itself. Google AdSense have thousands and thousands of satisfied customers and publishers. AdSense pays on time, every time.
One more reason for choosing Google AdSense is that we can earn huge amounts of money if we do our work in right way. There are many bloggers who are making a complete living from their blogs and Google AdSense.
Therefore, Google AdSense should be the number one choice among all the other available networks.
It’s paying rates are better than all of other networks so that’s the biggest reason it is so popular among bloggers.
But since everybody is running behind them, they have made the approval system very strict. You make little mistakes and get disapproved every time. Here are few reasons why Google will reject your AdSense application.


Here are the most common rejection reasons and Google AdSense requirements that you should keep in mind before we get into details.

1.  Insufficient content / Unacceptable site content

Your website doesn’t have enough text on for Google specialists to review.
Google gives a lot of value and attention to the content of the blog before accepting it. If the content is poorly written and has grammatical mistakes Google will reject the blog right away.
Not only the content needs to be grammatically correct, it must be unique and has to provide value to the users and readers of the blog. So the number one reason is the poorly written content on your blog.

2. Page Type / Design of your blog

What will you do if you land a page with full bright yellow background with white text on it, having huge buttons all over the place?
Yes, you’ll never visit that website again .
Blogs which are poorly designed and are hard for the visitors to understand gets rejected by Google AdSense. You must have a good and neat design which comforts the eye and is beautiful in the look.

3. No Privacy Policy, About Us or Contact Us page

There are some pages which you must have before applying to Google AdSense if you want to get accepted.
These are about us, privacy policy and contact us pages. These pages give the impression that you are a professional and that you are working according to the Google policies. Keep in mind that having a privacy page is also one of the requirements for Google AdSense.

4. Site Does Not Comply With Google AdSense Policies

No rich, unique and meaningful content, no organic traffic, pages with little to no original content or bad user experience through clear navigation and organization.
Your website may be the one that drives traffic through illegal sources, sites with excessive keywords or poorly coded design are usually rejected.
So you need a complete guidance and list of things that you need to do before applying for Google AdSense.


1. Write High-Quality Content:

The #1 thing you need to do before applying for Google AdSenseis to write high-quality content. This is very important thing which you can’t ignore at any cost. I mean it!
Google loves the blog who are providing high-quality content and their visitors are enjoying it. Keep in mind that your application will be reviewed by humans and you have to impress them to get approved by AdSense.
A high-quality content…
  • is unique and original
  • with proper headings and bullet lists
  • free from grammar and spelling mistakes
  • is long enough
  • useful and informative.


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Here are the google adsense high paying keywords 2016 edition list. several people use adsense to legitimate their blogs or websites. In my opinion, adsense is that the best CPC network. perhaps you've got detected that adsense now-a-days is paying minimal  cash by one Click, typically it are often .10$ to .20$. the first reason is that we’re not victimisation Keywords in our Blogs posts.Actually the adsense CPC (Cost Per Click) depends on the journal Niche(i. e what the journal is about) at the side of the connected high earnings keywords. currently Time for you to extend Adsense Earnings. the key of boosting adsense earnings is victimisation these keywords in your journal posts, really these keywords permits you to extend your adsense CPC (Cost Per Click). I access accumulated some high google adsense high paying keywords 2016. accomplishment goes the list below,
Google Adsense High Paying Keywords 2016
As a results of increasing CPC (Cost per Click) you’ll receive plenty of cash from One merely click on Google Ads. really someday Google Ads value became for you to high i. e could become up-to 5$ every Click. The Magic formula behind these obtaining is high earnings keywords, therefore during this specific regard we tend to ar sharing some :-
Google Adsense High Paying Keywords 2016
MESOTHELIOMA firm ($ 179.01)
DONATE automobile TO CHARITY CA ($130.25)
DONATE automobile FOR step-down ($126.65)
DONATE YOUR automobile capital of California ($118.20)
HOW TO gift A automobile IN CA ($111.21)
SELL regular payment PAYMENT ( $ 107.46 )
DONATE YOUR automobile for teenagers ($106.01)
ASBESTOS LAWYERS ( $ one zero five.84 )
STRUCTURED regular payment SETTLEMENT ($100.8)
ANNUITY SETTLEMENTS ($ a hundred.72 )
DONATE A automobile IN MARYLAND ($98.51)
DONATING A automobile IN MARYLAND ($98.20)
BEST CRIMINAL professional person IN ARIZONA ($97.93)
CAR INSURANCE QUOTES Mormon State ($97.92)
HOLLAND MICHIGAN faculty ($95.74)
MASSAGE faculty urban center TX ($94.90)
PSYCHIC without charge ($94.61)
DONATE previous CARS TO CHARITY ($94.55)
DALLAS carcinoma ATTORNEYS ($94.33)
DONATE YOUR automobile FOR cash ($94.01)
CHEAP motorcar INSURANCE IN VA ($93.84)
MET motorcar ($93.70)
FORENSICS on-line COURSE ($93.51)
HOME PHONE web BUNDLE ($93.32)
PHD IN counselling EDUCATION ($92.99)
NEUSON ($92.89)
ROYALTY FREE pictures STOCK ($92.76)
CAR INSURANCE IN Coyote State ($92.72)
WEBEX prices ($92.38)
CHEAP automobile insurance for women ($92.23)
CHEAP automobile insurance IN VIRGINIA ($92.03)
FUTURISTIC design ($91.44)
MORTGAGE authority ($91.29)
CAR gift ($ eighty eight.26 )
VIRTUAL information ROOMS ($ eighty three.18 )
AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT professional person ($ seventy six.57 )
AUTO ACCIDENT professional person ($ seventy five.64 )
CAR ACCIDENT LAWYERS ($ seventy five.17 )
DATA RECOVERY RAID ( $ seventy three.22)
MOTOR INSURANCE QUOTES ($ sixty eight.61 )
PERSONAL INJURY professional person ($ sixty six.53)
CAR INSURANCE QUOTES ($ sixty one.03)
ASBESTOS carcinoma ($60.96)
PERSONAL INJURY firm ($60.56)
CAR INSURANCE firms ($ fifty eight.66 )
So I listed a number of the highest best google adsense high paying keywords 2016 edition list. currently It’s your intercommunicate share this post together with your friends, in order that they can also earn large quantity from adsense. If you've got any question concerning this post or grasp another keywords then be at liberty discuss in below comments !