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When shopping for a laptop you can select a best laptop

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When shopping for a laptop

When shopping for a laptop, people typically look for standard features, such as the operating system, fast processor speeds, a large hard-drive capacity and a sleek design. For those on the go, long battery life and robust Wi-Fi connectivity are also important considerations. While all of these factors are worth taking into account, businesspeople have a unique set of needs that varies according to their industry and profession. What sets business laptops apart, however, are their flexibility and ability to keep up with business users' needs.

As such, the best business laptop has two key features that make it even more suitable for business use: portability and reliability.

Although all laptops may be considered portable, not all of them can be carried around easily. For a laptop to be truly portable, it needs to be lightweight and have the right physical specifications for a mobile businessperson's needs.

"For somebody looking to purchase a new business laptop, their best option would be an Ultrabook of some sort, which is portable," said Curtis Taylor of RepairLabs. "The biggest deciding factor, though, is how portable you need it to be."

Since Ultrabooks are already lightweight, portability essentially comes down to screen size, Taylor said. The smaller the screen, the easier it will be to carry, but you'll also be making sacrifices in terms of functionality.

"You can get an 11- to 14-inch Ultrabook that will have the hard-drive capacity and processor speed to do whatever you need, but not as much screen real estate for your Excel, Word, Internet and other windows you may need to multitask," he said.

In terms of price, Taylor said, most people "will be able to pick up a decent Ultrabook for a couple hundred dollars, but if they need something with more power or screen size, the price can climb to up around $800 to $1,500 for a really good Ultrabook."


Power and functionality are essential to any business laptop, but investing in all those features means nothing if your equipment is unreliable.

"Reliability is an important consideration for business laptops," said Kyp Walls, director of product management at Panasonic. "Broken devices mean lost productivity, and perhaps worse, for a business user."

Device failures also translate to higher costs, not only in terms of repair or replacement, but also in IT support and data loss, Walls said.

For higher reliability and durability, semirugged and business-rugged laptops feature the protective elements of fully rugged models but are lighter, thinner and designed for the everyday mobile worker, Walls said. This trait is especially important for businesspeople who are constantly on the go.

"Semirugged and business-rugged models are designed to withstand everyday bangs, bumps and spills," he said. "For example, a semirugged laptop might feature a spill-resistant keyboard versus a completely water-resistant casing. These models are designed for highly mobile business travelers and other 'road warriors' who are looking for durability beyond what is offered from a traditional laptop."

In addition, semirugged and business-rugged laptops often offer more powerful features, such as superior Wi-Fi connectivity, longer battery life and anti-glare screens that allow you to work in direct sunlight.

"While not every job calls for a fully rugged laptop, it's important that the technology in which you invest is reliable and durable enough to handle all the requirements of the job," Walls said.

Tips from business owners

Here are some tips from business owners on what to look for in a laptop for business.

"You should look for hard-drive capacity and capability for the type of work you do. The most important feature for the laptop is ease of connection to Wi-Fi portals and wireless connections. This is a given, since laptops, in themselves, are portable computers. You also need to consider the type of software program you will use and load on the laptop.

"The most important features in a business laptop are [those that allow it to be] supported if something doesn't work as expected. Unfortunately, because of the planned obsolescence built into all our computer technology, the only way to be assured of support is to buy the latest and keep current with all upgrades for hardware and software. This is not as true with Apple products, because they are historically better built and designed. However, Apple also has gotten onto the bandwagon, wherein they don't support their products after a restricted period. So, the best laptop is the one with the most, newest features at the lowest cost, purchased from a company that you trust for support. Dell is good." — Cynthia Shern, marketing communications and talent acquisition at jTask Inc.

"For the ultrabusy, ultramobile business person, I always recommend a Google Chromebook, which uses ChromeOS and integrates tightly with Google Apps. Many business owners are trading Microsoft Office for Google Apps to cut costs — and when they do, a Chromebook is exactly what they need. Additionally, most business apps (FreshBooks, email marketing, etc.) are already Web-based, so they can already be accessed from anywhere. A close runner-up to the Chromebook is the MacBook Air, which I use. It works great if you have an iPhone or iPad to keep everything synced. The only reason I don't recommend it yet is that iCloud for [Apple's] software suite (iWork) is still in beta. If it's anything like Google Apps, then it'll be incredible.

Best Hard Drive Recovery Service

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Best Hard Drive Recovery Service

Imagine this: you're busy working on your computer and need to access documents saved on your external hard drive. You connect it, get ready to find your data, and...nothing happens. Your hard drive isn't working. Uh oh. Before you panic, there are several things you can try on your own before calling in the pros.

Shutdown the machine connected to the drive you've deleted data from. Now that your drive is ‘safe' you can make a clone of the drive and attempt the recovery from the clone. There are a number of ways to clone the drive, some easier and quicker than others.

Scan the clone with a few different recovery programs. There are numerous options here, both free and paid-for packages are available. Recuva is a good free option, while Zero Assumption Recovery works well if you want to splash out a few dollars.

Recover Your Data with Software
Recover Your Data with Software

Data loss can be due to a number of factors, but two are the most common. The first (and easiest to resolve) is software related. You've accidentally deleted an important folder and emptied the recycle bin, or gone and formatted the wrong drive by mistake. The second—and probably most common—cause of data loss is a fault with the hard drive itself. Given the complexity of modern drives it's no wonder that somewhere along the line something will go wrong. When the drive suffers from some form of failure there's often little that you can do yourself to get the data back—professional data recovery services are usually required. However, there are certain failures that you can attempt to resolve yourself.

When dealing with a software data loss, the first and most important thing to keep in mind is not to work with the drive in question. Every second that the drive is connected to a running system is a second that you lose your chances at recovery. Your operating system is reading and writing to your drive constantly, whether you're actively doing something or not. Now that your system is seeing the deleted data as ‘free space' it will happily overwrite this area—along with your chances of recovery.

Recover Your Data with Hardware

Having covered the ‘deleted data' section of data recovery is all good and well, but what happens if your drive is not even being detected by your machine? Or your machine can see the drive, but just hangs when you try to access it? What about if the drive is completely dead and won't even spin up? Let's briefly cover the main components of a drive, see which components can fail, and what symptoms each failure might exhibit.

Platters: Your drive contains one or more thin, circular platters. These spin around at anywhere between 5,900rpm to 7,200rpm on consumer drives and are the media that actually store your data. Made of glass or some form of alloy and coated with a magnetic layer, they can store anything up to 4TB of data.

If Your Drive Isn't Spinning Up At All

Head assembly: Data from your drives' platters is read by means of a series of read and write heads. While in operation, these heads are not actually in contact with the surface of the platters. In fact, they ‘fly' nanometers above the surface of the disk, reading and writing data. Typically a drive will have 2 heads per platter, so a large capacity drive with 3 platters will be paired up with 6 heads, one for each side of each platter. If these heads fail physically or the drive is dropped or knocked over, the drive can experience a ‘head crash' where the heads no longer fly over the platters, but instead make contact with the surface and destroy your data at a few thousand revolutions per minute.

Firmware: Your drive runs its own mini operating system in order to deal with all of the data and operations required to access it. Most of this firmware is stored on the platters. A small portion is stored on the PCB, which is required when the drive starts up. Firmware can go wrong, leading to inaccessibility of your data. Unfortunately hard drive firmware is not similar to your mobile phone or tablet—you cannot just update or reflash it. Each drive has its own unique modules and parameters and is highly complex in nature.

Now that we understand the basic components of a hard drive let's look at some common failures and symptoms you might experience, determine which component could be causing the problem, and see if we can tackle some of these problems DIY style.

This is the one instance where you have a relatively good chance of resurrecting your drive if you're prepared to put in some time and effort. If the drive does absolutely nothing when you apply power to it (no noises at all), it is 99% a PCB problem. With older drives, you could sometimes find a matching PCB from another matching drive, swap it over, and voila. However, on new drives, technology and architecture have changed and each drive contains microcode unique to the drive it's attached to. Simply swapping the PCB with a matching, working equivalent has almost no chance of working and can be outright dangerous to your data.

There are two main causes of failure here, either a TVS diode (fuse) has shorted due to overvoltage, or a vital component on the PCB has failed. Hard drive PCBs often have two TVS diodes which act as fuses to protect your drive in the event of a power spike. There will most likely be two of these: one for the 5v and one for the 12v rail. If you accidentally plugged in the wrong power adapter to your external drive, or you experienced a power surge, a TVS diode might have sacrificed itself. If the shorted TVS diode is the only casualty and the rest of the PCB components are OK, then simply removing the shorted diode is enough to bring the drive back to life.

You can test this with a multimeter—if the diode reads zero ohms, or close to it, then it has indeed shortened. When shorted these diodes often have a noticeable burnt smell and might have visible burn damage. Note that when a TVS diode is removed the drive is no longer protected, so ensure that the power supply you connect to the drive is correct and healthy.

If the TVS diodes don't smell burnt and show the correct digits when measuring them, then the problem is the PCB itself. A replacement PCB is required, but not just a straight swap. There is an 8 pin ROM chip on most PCBs that contains unique firmware info that is required to start up the drive. This needs to be moved from the old PCB to the new in order for the replacement to work. Some hard drives, especially Western Digitals, do not have this 8 pin chip—the firmware is stored in the main controller which is virtually impossible to move.

If Your Drive Is Spinning Up and Making Clicking Noises

If you want to replace the PCB then you'll need to fine a matching replacement and have the ROM chip moved. There are many online providers that will sell you a matching PCB. Some of them even offer to move the ROM chip for you, saving you the hassle of soldering and possibly damaging the chip. If the PCB was the only damaged component and the drive's internals are OK, then after the replacement and ROM swap, your drive should be up and running again. Another PCB-related item to check are the head contacts. Sometimes they corrode with time, but are easily cleaned with a rubber eraser.

This is a serious failure and indicates a failed head or heads. It could also mean that your drive has suffered from platter damage if a head crash has occurred. Either way, this is a job for the pros. The drive will need to be opened in a clean room environment in a lab and a replacement head assembly fitted in order to try and recover your data. If your drive is clicking, it's best power it off and leave it in this state until you can send it to a professional recovery company. Powering it up in this state could degrade the disk further, to the extent that it's no longer recoverable.

If Your Drives Spins Ups and Is Detected by Your Computer, But Hangs When You Try to Access It

This usually means that the magnetic media is degraded. Basically, there are a large amount of bad sectors that the drive is trying to read, failing to do so, and hanging. This is a common problem that occurs over time and can be worked around, but only with professional data recovery equipment, more specifically a hard imager. If you look at the SMART values of the drive you'll notice and large amount of reallocated sectors to confirm your suspicions. If the data is important then send it off to the pros.

If you want to have a crack at it yourself (and risk making the problem worse or losing your data altogether) then you can try a software imager that can work around bad areas. Seeing that software commands ultimately goes through the BIOS, the effectiveness is limited. The best option if you want to go this route is a free Linux application called dd_rescue. It can skip bad areas and image in reverse

The beeping sounds you are hearing is the motor trying to spin the drive up and failing to do so. This is caused by one of two things, both serious mechanical failures. The most common is what's known as stiction. The heads of your drive park either in the center or on a ramp at the edge of the drive when not in use. Remember, the heads don't make contact with the data area of the platters, they fly just above. Sometimes, the heads can fail to park properly and the platters stop spinning with the heads still over the data area. Because of the extremely smooth surfaces of both the platters and heads, they literally stick to each other, hence the name stiction. The drive needs to be opened up in the lab, heads carefully removed and most likely replaced, definitely not a DIY job.

The other cause could be seizure of the motor spindle. This is the spindle around which the platters rotate. It can become seized if the drive suffers a hard knock or drop. It's not a particularly common fault, except for Seagate drives as they have a particularly fragile spindle. There are two ways for this problem to be resolved, both of which require pro intervention. Either the spindle can be replaced or the platters are moved to a new hard drive casing along with heads, PCB, the works.

This normally indicates a problem with some area of the firmware. Either it's not being read properly which could actually be head problem, or there is some corruption that needs to be resolved. A few years back there was a well-known bug with Seagate 7200.11 drives with firmware version SD15 known was the BSY bug. Googling this provide a wealth of info of the huge amount of failures were caused by this firmware glitch. There was a DIY solution for this particular problem, but with today's drives there is nothing that the end user can do but to send your drive in for professional help.

If Your Drive Sounds Normal but is Not Detected, or is Detected as the Wrong Capacity

So, there are a few instances where you can attempt to recover your own data. If you've accidentally deleted your data then you might be in luck. If the drive is completely dead and won't even power up then you could go the DIY PCB route if you wish to tinker. Other than that, if your drive is making unusual noises or acting in a peculiar manner, you'll need to hand it over—together with some hard earned cash—to a data recovery professional. Remember, ANY attempts at data recovery are risky. If the data is important, take it directly to the professionals.

How To Trace Mobile Number Current Location in Pakistan

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How To Trace Mobile Number Current Location in Pakistan
That is a Question that How to trace mobile Number with current location in Pakistan which is a deal that shows how a person if he know other but not have any link to him and want to connect with him then he may be connect to him so this article is a bout Mobile Number tracking system in Pakistan.So lets come to talk that which is about the tracing mobile number in any place in Pakistan.

If you want to know more about the Mobile number tracking system which is in the brief mode which is below in the link is given …

So check our here

Mobile number tracker with exact location in Pakistan

So a common customer may be utilize this procedure that he may go to the official website of the company and get the procedure that mobile tracing method of every company is different because every Mobile company have the different set-up.

How To Trace Mobile Number Current Location in Pakistan
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Advantages and Disadvantages Mobile number Tracking

As Technology is blooming as the new challenges and advancements becoming more fast and reliable but somehow it may be utilize in other purpose if it is going on an other way which for it has created which in the Pakistani Society is in custom that People want to harm other through tease other.But if it is using by the way of the true friend or to track other family member who is away from you


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Technology Link to Telecom companies in Pakistan

As advancements in the world about Technology becoming more fast then new types of technologies are introducing in the Market.Some days before Auctions of 3g and 4g Technology for the telecom companies in Pakistan so that users may enjoy through fast speed Internet.Before Mobile Companies in Pakistan are giving the facility of GPRS and internet facility for mobile users but after accessing the technology of 3G and 4G Internet files and internet downloading speed will be fast so this is the good news for the Mobile users in Pakistan if they want to use internet because now internet file will open in one click.They introduce this offer because Mobile companies know that with passing every single day users of internet specially social media are increasing so it is also a big time for the Mobile companies in Pakistan.

Prominent mobile companies are here whose have mostly users in Pakistan.

Mobile Networks in Pakistan

U fone





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What is Zenmate VPN?

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27 years on, flight PK-404 still a mystery

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27 years on, flight PK-404 still a mystery
27 years on, flight PK-404 still a mystery

GILGIT: It was a sunny day on August 25, 1989, when a Pakistan International Airline’s flight, PK-404, touched down on the narrow runway of Gilgit airport. The plane, Fokker-F27 Friendship, taxied to a halt at the terminal. The passengers exited and the crew began preparing for the return flight to Islamabad.

The plane, with 54 passengers— five crew members and 49 passengers— on board took off at 7:35am. Among the passengers were four members of a family. But soon after the take-off, the aircraft disappeared without a trace, fuelling speculation that it might have been downed by India’s army near the Line of Control (LoC).

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Almost 27 years on, the mystery could not be resolved.

According to reports, the flight, a Fokker-F27 Friendship, disappeared shortly after take-off. It is claimed that one of the pilots had made a routine radio call at 7:40am, the last communication the aircraft made. The aircraft is believed to have crashed in the Himalayas, but the wreckage has not been found till date. The military launched massive search operations in the snow-capped mountains for several days following the tragedy but to no avail.

“It’s a tragedy that we cannot forget about,” said Arif Hussain, relative of the passengers who had switched their flight. “Who knew they would die this way, or even share the same fate.”

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“We have accepted that they are no more but this date revives our wounds every year,” Hussain shared with The Express Tribune.

Hussain lost his uncle, aunt, wife and two children in the incident.

“My uncle was an assistant commissioner in Mardan town and had just been promoted as deputy commissioner then.”

Many others like Hussain have gone through the trauma of losing their loved ones in the incident.

“We were in Peshawar when the plane disappeared,” Maria Jabeen, another victim of the tragedy said.

“My grandmother and uncle were on-board.”

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Jabeen, who is also from Gilgit-Baltistan, said her uncle was in his 20s and was a bright student. “My father gets sad whenever he remembers him and that’s how it saddens all of us.”

Khursheed Khan lost his elder brother, Qari Basheer Ahmed, in the incident.

“There have been many versions to this mystery. The one I lived with is that it was shot down by India for allegedly crossing the Line of Control,” says Jan.

Even decades after the tragedy, relatives of the victims wonder why successive governments have closed the chapter on the sad episode.

An Indonesian man who has emerged as the world’s oldest at an incredible 145 years

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An Indonesian man who has emerged as the world’s oldest at an incredible 145 years

An Indonesian man who has emerged as the world’s oldest at an incredible 145 years has revealed he is ready to die.

An Indonesian man who has emerged as the world’s oldest at an incredible 145 years has revealed he is ready to die.

Documents recognised by Indonesian officials show Mbah Gotho is 145 and was born on December 31, 1870. If his documentation is authentic, it would make him the oldest human on earth; a title currently held by by French centenarian Jeanne Calment, who was 122 when she died. But if the documents cannot be independently verified, Mr Gotho will not go down in the record books.

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During an interview with a regional news network, he revealed that he wants to die. For the past three months he has needed to be bathed and spoon-fed, and is becoming increasingly frail. When asked the secret to a long life, he replied, “The recipe is just patience.” Gotho said he began preparing for his death in 1992, even having a gravestone made, but 24 years later he is still alive. He has now outlived all ten of his siblings, his four wives and his children.

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There are a number of people who claim to have broken Jeanne Calment’s record, such as Nigerian James Olofintuyi, who claims to be 171, and Dhaqabo Ebba from Ethiopia, who claims to be 163, but just like Mr Gotho, without verifiable documents they cannot be given her title.

5 meals in Karachi that will hurt your wallet

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5 meals in Karachi that will hurt your wallet
5 meals in Karachi that will hurt your wallet

Rising fortunes and perhaps a love for transnational cuisine has magnified Karachi’s culinary landscape.
While there’s still room for new ventures in a city that arguably has a much more evolved palate than any other major city in the country, there’s an extensive range of eateries around town, catering to die-hard desis, well-traveled foodies and the occasional, hard to please, nit-picky food critics.
When it comes to the price range, there are many pocket pleasing eateries; however, some menus will definitely hurt your wallet. So, whether you save to splurge, habitually splash out, or are just curious, here’s a list of some of the priciest dishes offered in the city.
One of the world’s most prized meat, Wagyu beef is procured from Japanese cattle. Wagyu beef is intensely marbled with softer fat, has higher percentages of monounsaturated fats, and is lower in cholesterol than commodity beef. It is healthier, melts easily and is remarkably flavourful.

A single serving at Café Flo, who import the beef, will set you back Rs6,990.

The second most pricey item at Flo is their Lobster Thermidore, priced at Rs680 per 100 grams it amounts to nearly Rs5,000 per person.
While there is a range of cuts offered at the cosy steak house in Pearl Continental, the USDA certified ‘prime’ beef makes the most pricey meal at Rs,6700 + gst.
While the USDA certified prime beef is also dearly priced at this eatery in Zamzama, the most expensive item at Okra is the seared fois gras with raspberry and pears (goose liver pâté). The French classic is served as a starter and costs Rs5,700 per 250 grams – you can do the math.
Have it as steak or for Teppanyaki, the beef tenderloin here is the dearest item at Sakura, priced at Rs4,100 + gst for a single serving. Couple it with some sushi and prawn tempura — you may have spent worth someone’s monthly salary in one night.